Tips And Tricks To Make Your Vehicle More Energy Efficient}

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Tips And Tricks To Make Your Vehicle More Energy Efficient
Levi Quinn
It does not matter how high or low the price is at the pump, gasoline is a precious resource. Taking steps to conserve it can help the environment and assist your budget, as well. There are many maintenance and driving tips that can help you get the job done right. The more you are able to employ in everyday routine, the more mileage you can squeeze out of every gallon.
Some of the tips that are easy to put into action include:
Avoid long idle periods Warming up your car on a winter morning sounds great, but it is a waste of gasoline. Instead of putting the car in idle to heat it up, just get going. The car will heat up rather quickly as you are moving. Also try to avoid idling in long lines. If heavy traffic can be bypassed, do so.
Resist the temptation to drive poorly Aggressive driving, high speeds and fast stopping can all impact mileage. Drive within the limits of the law and avoid aggressive tactics to keep gas mileage in check.
Remove extra weight Hauling around a lot of extra weight is hard on a car and it hard on gas mileage. To help your gas mileage along, reduce load weight when possible. Every 100 pounds shed can increase fuel efficiency by 1 to 2 percent.
Do not use roof racks unless completely necessary Storing items on top of a vehicle increases wind drag and resistance. This can decease fuel efficiency. To avoid this problem, stow luggage and other items inside the vehicle or the trunk when possible.
Avoid driving when it is not necessary Do not take a vehicle out unless you really have to. If you can telecommute to work, go for it. Combine trips for errands into a single outing. When you must commute to work, consider using public transportation or carpooling instead. The less you have to use your vehicle on a regular basis, the better. This can save you a great deal of money and also unnecessary wear and tear.
Use the right oil in your automobile Using the wrong oil can actually decrease fuel efficiency by 1 to 2 percent. To make sure you are selecting the right oil, consult the manual that came with your vehicle. If you no longer have one, check with a mechanic or a dealer that sells your vehicle make.
Inflate your tires Keeping tire pressure at the recommended level can help you conserve gasoline. In some cases, this simple move will increase efficiency by more than 3 percent. It is a good idea to check levels once a week or so. Also inspect tires for signs of wear and tear on a regular basis. It is better to replace worn tires than to operate on inefficient, possibly unsafe, treads.
Go in for regular maintenance Making sure filters are properly changed, fluids are topped off and basic service is performed can greatly increase fuel efficiency. Running around with clogged filters can, for example, decrease efficiency by as much as 10 percent.
When a few simple measures are taken, you can stretch time between fill ups. Basic maintenance can make your current vehicle more efficient and save you money as you help the environment.
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Tips And Tricks To Make Your Vehicle More Energy Efficient }