The Training And Skills You Need To Become A Legal Nurse Consultant

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By Kenneth Echie
A Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC) is a registered nurse or RN that works as a contact between knowing medicine and understanding the law. They generally consult with attorneys and people who are involved in medical issues. They will have general knowledge in personal injury, workers’ compensation and wrongful termination cases.
Many RN’s work on medical malpractice law suits. Attorneys are not familiar with medical terms or how to read medical records like RN’s are; a LNC bridges the gap between the two.
What does it take to become a Legal Nurse Consultant?
Every LNC is a registered nurse first. They differ from Paralegals because a Legal Nurse Consultant deals only with medical related issues. A Paralegal will assist an attorney in drafting and filing briefs on behalf of the law firm while an LNC will only work within the scope of nursing.
Becoming a Legal Nurse Consultant allows a nurse to move from the clinical aspect of their job and explore an office environment. Many who are LNC’s have experience in medical issues that attorneys do not. Since medical lawsuits have risen in number over the past few years, a nurse who wants to work with a law firm and use their education and expertise must obtain a degree or certificate.
Most educational programs are offered online. If you are going to further your education, make sure to pick a school that is favored by the medical association. There are several programs that are geared towards Legal Nurse Consulting or Forensic Nursing.
What are the rewards of becoming a Legal Nurse Consultant?
The career choice to work within the legal field is a plus, gone are the twelve hour days and or the night shift. Many law firms operate during business hours with attorneys burning the midnight oil.
Health care is a growing field just as much as the legal arena. LNC’s are sought after because of their knowledge of medical terms, standards of care and they can prepare medical summaries for trial. Many who have extensive knowledge in a particular area can be used as an expert witness at trial. They are an asset to any firm that practices medical related law.
How in demand are Legal Nurse Consultants?
The demand for a LNC is growing because many attorneys who practice medical malpractice suits are limited on their knowledge of medical terms. The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC) is devoted to keeping LNC’s informed about job opportunities. They also help to distinguish the difference between Paralegals and Legal Nurse Consultants.
An LNC might play the dual role in a smaller law firm, but a larger firm will use LNC’s to help with medical issues that a Paralegal or attorney doesn’t have experience in. LNC’s are held to a code of ethics just like a Para-professional or attorney.
If you have been an RN for a few years and working with a law firm sounds like a challenging and rewarding career change for you, then do more research on the internet. All you need to do is visit websites that cover the career in more detail.
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About the Author: Copywrite Kenneth Echie. Kenneth writes for
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