The Budding Artist At The Kids’ Art Desk

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By Rony Pollock
One activity that would actually be good for kids is taking up painting to let loose their creativity. With an abundance of painting kits, home-sourced colors, and those kids’ art desk and easels, painting can be in inspired activity for those long afternoons.
Teach Children to Paint
Kids nowadays are too consumed with watching cable TV and playing video games. Not only is this unhealthy, but it can also hamper the child’s originality and creativity. What can they do with the kids’ art desk in the corner if you don’t interest them with the paint brush and bottles of oil paints or water colors?
Just your simple crayons and drawing paper is enough for kids to let their imagination go to work. A kids’ art desk will provide the child a suitable and more comfortable drawing workspace. It is important for children to have a clean and safe area to draw or paint. These desks are available in almost all quality shops that specialize in children’s furniture.
Or, better still, teach them the to paint the creative way – using fingers, cotton balls or swabs, feathers, marbles, or old toothbrushes. You can still scrounge for several materials in the kitchen and in the tool shed for creative painting. For colors, you can also use coffee, egg yolks, and vegetable-based food coloring.
Set up the colors in separate jars and demonstrate how they can use get the colors with their hands, paintbrush, or toothbrush to paint on the easel or paper. Show them how colors change when you mix blue and yellow, for example. Do not expect them to come up with museum pieces, but let them draw and color to their heart’s content.
When to Start Them on Art
Art is an excellent medium for self expression. As a parent, you should encourage your toddler towards art through drawing or painting activities. Painting is fun, and kids are sure to have a blast drawing, painting, or just doodling whatever they have in mind.
There are many ways to encourage your children to be artistically-inclined, but make sure that everything they do must truly be a fun experience. They must learn to enjoy painting, doodling, and drawing before you can give them more activities. You can start a face-painting party for the children. They can paint each other faces with FDA-approved face paints and have tremendous fun.
For the little ones, you can start by showing them basic shapes – squares, circles, triangles, and squircles (squares and circles). Encourage them to draw and tell a story, so give them a box of crayons and a set of coloring books and a kids’ art desk where they can work comfortably. If you don’t have the stamina to supervise them, you can enroll them in art classes during summer breaks.
Choose the right art desk that reflects the taste of the budding artist. You can select from the following for one child to a number of children:
* School bus themed art-desk chair
* Art desk with benches
* Art desk with paper roll and chairs
* Flipping table top easel
Just be sure, though, that the children are beyond the age of putting everything into their mouths and don’t have allergies, and always ensure that their activities on the kids’ art desk or easels are supervised.
When the painting and the coloring are done, teach them how to clear the mess on the kids’ art desk. Saves you the trouble, too.
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