Penis Painting And Bedroom Play Color It Sexy, But Carefully, Please}

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Penis Painting and Bedroom Play – Color it Sexy, But Carefully, Please
John Dugan
A red penis is usually thought of as a bad sign – of possible skin irritation, perhaps, but men who put body paint on their equipment may actually enjoy the sight of a red penis (and a blue one, a green one, a yellow one, and so on). Undergoing penis painting is a personal choice that many find liberating, exciting, sensual or provocative; those who opt to explore this activity should learn more about it in order to ensure that their penis health isn’t compromised in the process.
What’s the risk?
Assuming that one uses paints or liquid make-up that are non-toxic and have been created with body painting in mind, the risk is minimal. No paints which are not designed for body painting should ever be used.
The most likely side effect of penis painting is that it may irritate the skin. Itching or rashes may occur in some men, which is why it’s important to test out the paint on a small, unobtrusive patch of skin somewhere other than the penis. Do this several days in advance, in the event that there is a delayed reaction.
A man considering penis painting should remember that the skin on the penis is often more sensitive than other body skin; even if a test patch elsewhere on the body does not react, one’s penis might still become irritated or itchy.
What about breathing?
Many people worry that putting paint on the body will affect the skin’s ability to breathe. The skin does not actually breathe, so this is not really an issue; however, clogging the pores of the skin for an extended period of time can certainly result in skin irritation.
How to prepare
When engaging in body painting, advance exfoliation and moisturizing is usually recommended; however, because of the sensitive nature of the penis, exfoliation should be avoided. Moisturizing is still a good idea. Shaving is a personal preference, but in general, the paint will go on more smoothly with no pubic hair.
Pick your design
Those who just want to see what it’s like to have a differently-colored penis don’t need to plan in advance; however, many men want to be more creative or artistic and decorate or disguise their penises. Some popular ways to disguise a man’s penis using paints include:
An elephant, with the shaft as the trunk and the testicles as floppy elephant ears.
A banana.
A snake (of course).
A shark.
An anteater.
A mushroom.
A dragon.
Others may simply want to paint designs or decorations on their equipment. Popular choices include:
A rainbow.
Polka dots.
Penis painting is an excellent way for a man to express himself, so he should be as wild or as excessive in creating the look as he wishes to be.
What about sex?
Opinion varies on whether a man with a painted penis should have partner sex; however, it is best to err on the side of safety and avoid this. There is too great a potential for creating vaginal, anal or oral irritation.
However, there’s nothing wrong with exhibiting one’s painted penis to one’s partner in order to get praise. Even better, including a partner in creating a work of penis art makes the experience even more fun.
When a man is ready to remove the penis paint, spending a little time in the shower with plain soap and water or shampoo should do the trick if he has used body paints. Again, only paints designed for body use should be used. Check the instructions of any paint in advance, in the event that it contains special washing instructions or has a warning that it may not wash off easily.
Creating a scarlet red penis or similar paint-based creation will appeal to some men and their partners. As mentioned, however, there is the potential for skin irritation. In order to maintain proper penis health, men should use a top quality penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) for relief from common penis itching. Those creams that have a natural emollient, such as shea butter, and a quality hydrating agent such as vitamin E are especially good choices. Look also for a cream that contains vitamin D to take advantage of its effectiveness in enabling cell functionality.
for more information about treating common penis health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of penis sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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Penis Painting and Bedroom Play – Color it Sexy, But Carefully, Please}