Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend And So Are Payday Loans

Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend And So Are Payday Loans

By Brendon Heins

‘But I prefer a man who lives

And gives expensive jewels A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, But diamonds are a girl’s best friend’

These words from the song ‘Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend’ were made famous by the quintessential blonde femme fatale Marilyn Monroe. And indeed, from her time to your time, diamonds are a girl’s best friend! Swarovski, moissanite, and cubic zirconia simply cannot compare to the glamour, allure and enduring quality of diamond. Kind of reminds you of Marilyn Monroe compared with the ditzy blondes of Hollywood today.

But of course, you do not need a man who lives and gives expensive jewels. Absolutely not when you have a stable job and you can avail of quick payday loans!

Fine Diamonds, Fast Payday Loans

You have been lusting after the Tiffany Lace Ring for ages. And now you have to have it right here, right now for your own reasons – maybe the high school class reunion is coming up, maybe you are bridesmaid, and maybe you are stocking up on fashion accessories. But, horror of horrors, you come up short on the money.


Don’t fret. With fast payday loans, you can get additional money within the same day. All you have to do is go online, browse through reliable payday loans companies that your family and friends recommended, and file your application. Presto! You have payday loans deposited directly to your bank account in a matter of hours. Tiffany, here you come!

Fine Diamonds, Fine Choosing

Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend but you have to make your diamond jewelry your personal best friend. You have to choose based on cut, color, clarity and carat (4 Cs) to suit your preferences, passions and plans.

You can expand your knowledge of diamonds’ 4 Cs to enable critical choosing when you do get to a Tiffany store or any other jewelry store for that matter. Read on:

– Color can be the most important determinant of the diamonds’ value. Indeed, you can assume that ‘colorless’ diamonds are more valuable though you also have to know that not all ‘colorless’ diamonds are of lesser value.

– Clarity pertains to the visible flaws within the diamonds. Again, you are safe to assume that the less flaws present, the more you have to shell out for the jewelry. If in doubt, ask for a magnifying glass.

– Cut allows the diamonds’ facets to shine by reflecting light, which you see as the fire in the diamond. You can choose from many diamond cuts like round, oval, marquise, radiant, pear-shaped, emerald and heart-shaped. Your preference will determine which cut suits you best.

– Carat is the weight of the diamond in its entirety. In reverse order as the above Cs, you should not assume that just because a diamond is big, it is automatically more valuable than the smaller diamond.

Of course, just looking at diamonds set in gold and surrounded by other precious stones can make you stand in awe so much so that you can forget the 4 Cs. Still, it never did hurt a girl to ask about the history behind the jewelry!

Just make sure that you pay your payday loans on time lest you find yourself pawning your coveted diamond ring. Beyond that, you can make other drool with envy from your best friend.

About the Author: is the best place to secure cash advance and payday loans in Ontario. You can use your payday loans any way you want, even buy a girl’s best friend right away! Visit them now and get that ring on your finger.


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