Category Archive : Oil

Acne, Face, Cream, Cosmetics, Skin}

acne, face, cream, cosmetics, skin


Rudy S. Silva

After you have washed your face with a chemical free soap, use an applicator to dip into Scotty’s face cream or you favorite face cream. Place the cream on your face and spread it all around. Massage the cream into your face gently so the skin absorbs the oils in this cream.

These oils will seal the pores and hold the natural moisture of the skin and enhance the curing effects of the cream

You can use the cream 2-3 times a day. It is best to use it after you have cleaned your face in the morning and right before you go to bed. You can also use it during noontime.

You can use Scotty’s’ cream under your makeup or over your makeup. It will work either way. However, it will work better on a clean face.

You will notice that when you apply the cream it will tingle in areas without sores and may sting in areas of open sores. This will pass and as it does it should reduce the itchiness of any sores.

Scotty’s cream has allantoin, which will help to clear acne sores. The oils, vitamin A and E, and minerals in Scotty’s will help to feed, rebuild, and rejuvenate your skin. The minerals also help to neutralize the toxic acids that have contaminated and inflamed pores on your face.

During cleansing and fasting, more acid waste may come out of your pores. This is why Scotty’s cream will help you to reduce the inflammation and spread your acne.

Tree Tea Oil

To make Scotty’s cream or your own cream even more powerful, you can add 5-10 drops of pure tree tea oil to a two-ounce container. You can experiment with the amount to add. You may want to add more drops to provide more tea tree oil for your face. But, do not use more than 15 drops.

Tree tea oil has been found to be effective in various skin disorders. It acts as an antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial. This oil helps to bring oxygen to the skin cell, which kills bacteria and fungus and helps to repair damaged skin caused by acne.

Borage Oil

There is one more thing that you can add to Scotty’s face cream or your favorite acne cream that will boost its acne clearing power. This is borage oil. Borage oil contains EPA and DHA, which helps to control excessive hormones that cause the over production of sebum.

It is the adrenal glands that produce streams of androgens during puberty. These large quantities of androgens help to activate bone growth and assist in bringing forth sexual maturity.

A side effect of these androgens is the release of excess oil from the oil glands near the hair follicle. This excess gives rise to

black heads

white heads



So here’s what you can do to make your face cream even more effective,

Mix one or two capsules of Borage oil into your cream

Do this by cutting the tip off of the Borage oil softgel and squeeze the oil into the cream

There is a new form of EPA and DHA that is available in a product called Neptune Krill Oil (NKO)

Neptune Krill Oil (NKO)

NKO is the new EPA and DHA product, which maybe better to use than Borage Oil. NKO has the omega-3, EPA and DHA in the phospholipid form, which is easier for your cells to absorb compared with Borage oil. Borage oil contains the omega-3, EPA, and DHA in triglyceride form, which is more difficult for cells to absorb.

One other good property of NKO is that is does not have to be refrigerated like Borage. It can be kept in a cool place in your cabinets. However, it does cost more than Borage oil.

Word of Caution: As with all creams and oils, if you get any rash or skin reactions when using them, discontinue their use.

Use a good face cream to help clear your acne. You can boost the power of this cream by adding tree tea oil and borage or NKO oil.

Rudy Silva is nutritionist that specializes in using natural remedies for better health. For more information and tips on colon cleansing with fruits and vegetables go to: http://www.coloncleanse.for– or signup for his newsletter and get a free constipation relief report at:

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acne, face, cream, cosmetics, skin}

How To Use Bhringraj For Hair Growth}

Submitted by: Danielle McLoughlin

The Bhringraj plant is well known for its hair growth properties, but it’s easy to become confused by the numerous names that it is also known by. If you are looking for natural products that contain extract of the Bhringraj plant, then look out for the following names, as they all refer to the same plant.

bhangra, bhringaraj or bhringraja

Eclipta alba

Eclipta prostrata

False Daisy




yerba de tago


The Bhringraj plant by any of these names is a member of the large Asteraceae family of plants. It can be found growing in the wild in most countries, where it can be seen growing in damp soil, usually at the side of rivers or plantations. It is recognisable for it’s small white flower, and for growing to a height of up to 200mm. The leaves are green but have an unusual red tint around the edges and also on the branches of the plant.

When grown commercially, seeds are planted in a fertilizer rich soil and can be harvested after around 12-13 weeks. Subsequently the Bhringraj plant can be re-harvested around every 8 weeks. Its reputation as a treatment for hair loss originates from India. Indian Ayurvedic medicine attributes many beneficial properties to the Bhringraj plant and its leaves; however it is its effective use as a hair loss remedy that is making it popular more recently in Western culture.

There is a growing selection of hair loss products becoming available that rely on the hair growth properties of the Bhringraj herb. There are many ways of preparing the Bhringraj plant for application or ingestion, but either Bhringraj powder or Bhringraj oil is favoured for hair loss treatment. One method of applying to hair is to boil the leaf juice of the Bhringraj plant and mix with some coconut oil before applying to the hair. This not only adds body to the hair and natural nutrients to the scalp, but also adds a nice black sheen to the hair. The powder too can be used in place of the leaf juice.

Alternatively, sesame oil mixed with Bhringraj powder can also be applied to the scalp and hair, conditioning the hair and leaving it beautiful, dark and lustrous. It is this effect of darkening the hair that makes Bhringraj treatments of particular interest to adults who find their hair starting to grey. By using Bhringraj oil adults can make their hair darker and more beautiful, but also benefit from the Bhringraj plant’s hair growth properties. Users of Bhringraj oil usually find that their hair is easier is thicker and healthier.

Unlike some other hair loss treatments, Bhringraj is a herbal product and as such is a truly natural way to grow hair, prevent hair loss and keep your hair looking beautiful without using harmful chemicals. This absence of artificial ingredients in Bhringraj products makes it the preferred choice for many consumers looking to find the best product for hair loss. Some people have even reported that their hair regrowth has continued after they have stopped using Bhringraj oil.

Bhringraj is sold in both powder and oil form. There are also herbal supplements available for people not so keen on making tea out of the Bhringraj powder.

About the Author:

Bhringraj oil


Bhringraj powder

are excellent treatments for hair loss and thinning hair and can continue to be used to keep the hair strong and healthy once it has been restored. The oil can be used as a pre shampoo treatment or massaged into the scalp the night before washing the hair. The powder can be added to conditioners an


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