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Submitted by: Arvind Panwar
A locker is a narrow storage compartment which is usually small in size. Very often they are used in various public institutions, housing societies, banking industry and the likes, also now a days people use lockers at home for security of their jewellery, important documents, money and more. So seeing their multiple uses they vary in size, proportion, security & construction. The kind of place describes the size requirement of lockers like workplaces, schools, locker rooms and other such places requires large number of them. They are made up of painted sheet metal & are equipped with locks. In now a days, most of the business owners & entrepreneur use lockers to save their important docs, money from morons. At present there are several brands of electronic lockers available in market one of them is Godrej which is most renowned & highly trusted company for its trust & quality assurance.
With the increasing needs of security, its business demands a constant rediscovery & matching pace with technology. Newer technology will bring more effective & powerful solutions which will improve the dependence of people over such technology by creating a peace of mind.
Godrej lockers being the largest supplier of security products for homes, public institutions, housing societies and banking industry, are the first choice of people. They offer a large selection of security safes to suit everyones needs; home safe, office safes, shop safes, high security safes and many more. The Godrej locker price will vary according to varying sizes and locking options i.e. digital or electronic safe. Many of them also provide a fire safe rating. Before making a choice for any type of safe you need to consider what you want to protect; cash, jewellery, documents etc. You can also buy godrej lockers online through numerous websites.
They are available in various kinds:
Godrej Cash Deposit Lockers: It allows multiple users to deposit cash without need to open main safe door to gain access.
Hotel lockers: have user friendly features for guests as well as hotel management. They are epoxy powder coated finish for durability and long life. Customised locks for doors and wardrobes are also available.
Godrej personal employee & workers locker: they are made of crca steel and its components are given anti- corrosive treatment, ventilating louvers are there for air circulation, easy cleaning stands for 1,2,3 locker units are available. Label holders are provided for easy identification. These can be with or without locks and functions as a stand-alone unit or multiple unit configurations.
Finger print safe locker: it has features like optical biometric sensor, finger print capacity, strong steel construction, aesthetic finish & mechanical override, accurate and quick verification.
Above were the categories of Godrej lockers which you can buy online or from any nearby marketplace. The locker price will vary according to their type. These lockers are far more than just simple safety lockers; they are packed with safety features that are on par with latest innovations. Safety and innovation can be given a new dimension when you own these high quality lockers from Godrej.
About the Author: Arvind Panwar is a professional writer which is working for Smesauda. This write-up is about the use of Godrej Lockers for your business as well as home use. For more details visit:
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